Bank transfer time calculator.
The application does not require access to the Internet.
Just enter the name of the bank from which the transfer is sent, the name of the bank that receives a transfer, and an hour to get the exact information when the money will be in your account.
The application uses Elixir system to precisely determine when cash is in your account.
Depending on the bank's money you may be reflected in your account up to several minutes after the time indicated above.
If the application still does not support your bank, let me know and I'll add it for sure!
Currently supported banks:
Alior Bank, Millennium Bank, Bank Post, Bank of Polish Cooperatives, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, BGZ, BNP Paribas Fortis, BOS, BPH, BRE Bank, BZWBK, Citi, Credit Agricole, Deutsche Bank, DNB Nord, Eurobank, FM Bank, Getin Bank GetinOnline, Handelsbanken, HSBC Bank Poland, Idea Bank, ING Bank Slaski, Inteligo, Kredyt Bank, Mazowiecki Bank Regional, mBank, Meritum Bank, Multibank, Nordea Bank Pekao SA, PKO BP, PLUS bank, Polbank Raiffeisen Polbank, Santander Consumer Bank, Bank Toyota, VW Bank Direct.